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A few projects in which I designed and built the costumes.
The Aurora Project
Otherworld Theater, 2014. The navy flight suits were store bought, but the collar, vest, bracers and shins were custom made. The blue alien's doublet was also custom made.
Of Dice and Men
Otherworld Theatre, 2013. Most of this was pulled from my stock, though a few items were custom made for the show, including the Wizards purple vest, the Paladin's surcoat and pauldrons, and the large Dwarven hammer.
The Pendragon
Riddlemark Theatre, 2007. This was done in collaboration with Barbara Staples. I did the chainmail and Arthur's scale armor, as well as aged the helmets.
A Farewell Echo
Riddlemark Theatre, 2006. Another collaboration with Barbara Staples.
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